31 de março de 2008


Com a devida vénia, reproduzo o editorial do Director Executivo da Federação dos Veterinários da Europa (FVE), Jan Vaarten, na newsletter de Março de 2008.

As many people know, the positive effects of vaccination have been known for over 200 years. In “An inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae or Cow-Pox”, British physician Edward Jenner (1749–1823) described how milkmaids, once infected with cowpox, were no longer susceptible to the often fatal small pox disease. In his own words, “what renders the cow-pox virus so extremely singular is that the person who has been thus affected is forever after secure from the infection of the small-pox.” This discovery, at the basis of all modern immunology, was honoured by Louis Pasteur in 1881 by introducing the name "vaccination", (from vaccinia virus of cowpox) for all immunisations.

What few people know, however, is that it was also Edward Jenner who described how cuckoos behave in other birds’ nests. He observed that it was not the parent cuckoo that ejected the foster parents' eggs and chicks from the nest, as was previously believed, but the newly hatched cuckoo itself. In its first few days of life, the fledgling bird works its way backwards, up the side of the nest, throwing the other eggs and young birds over the edge. This is repeated until it remains the only one left.

Vaccination has been known as one of the most effective, safe and cost-effective measures to prevent and control outbreaks of infectious diseases. Thanks to vaccination, small pox – which, in 1950 still claimed 50 million cases – was eradicated by 1980. Other diseases, like rabies, foot and mouth disease or classical swine fever are now under control in large parts of the world. In other diseases, such as influenza or bluetongue, vaccination plays a major role in the prevention of clinical disease.

Nevertheless, some people seem unable to stop behaving like little cuckoos when it comes to vaccination: they do not rest until they have pushed vaccination over the edge to a certain death. Recently, at a hearing organised by the European Parliament on the “EU Community Animal Health Strategy and Vaccination Technology”, and after many presentations about the need for vaccines, the discussion was diverted, once again, to “what consumers might think of meat from vaccinated animals”. Let’s be clear: almost every food-producing animal kept in Europe today is vaccinated, and almost all meat imported from third countries is produced by vaccinated animals. Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, horses: they all are vaccinated to protect their health and welfare and without any risk towards food safety.

Vaccination of animals is safe for consumers. It would seem irresponsible to suggest otherwise, especially if the suggestion comes from those who should know better. In case of trade-related concerns regarding vaccination, it would seem more honest to step forward and put them on the table – rather than hide behind so-called “consumer interest”. But whatever you do: stop pushing the golden egg over the edge!

Haja quem ponha à discussão nos forums profissionais nacionais a Estratégia da Comissão Europeia para a Saúde Animal: Mais vale prevenir que remediar e o papel das profilaxias médicas… Não vai haver Congresso de Medicina Veterinária este ano? Porque não submetê-lo a este tema? Um excelente desafio para todas as Sociedades Científicas satélites da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias (SPCV).

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Caro Clint

Os meus parabens pelo rumo que vem dando a este blogue. A diversificação de assuntos relacionados com a nossa classe, tem possibilitado a elevação de nível, evitando que se transforme num sitio de mal dizer que ninguém beneficia.

Continue em força


Anónimo disse...

Caro Clint

Por falta de empo fço minhas as palavras do/a colega tíbia.


Anónimo disse...

Tudo bem ...

Desde que tenha a benção do ...CONDE...também dito o BEATO... mais do PINA-ladem e esposa...do Barão dÁgrião...mais do Luís Sacode...mais da Colcha...(fica por cima)...do Bioestupor...do tó dos Porcos...do incompetente do RR...do Gambirra...do ED-tonto...

Então não enchergas que essa troupe come o BOLO ...sózinhos... o resto é para bater palmas...

Vamos mudar isto...


Anónimo disse...


Para o Conde, o Agrião, o Sacode ,o Pina ladem ,o Sobralão...
e o resto da filha putisse toda...
além da desparasitação....
vá também uma VACCINAÇÃO...nas patas...
ou nos ditos (Nºs em francês*)...é só canalhagem...

from mug@be country